Central NSW – Carcoar Dam


We had read good reports of the camp at Carcoar and they were well deserved. Great spot, nice views and close to both Carcoar and the larger town Blayney which seems to have all the usual services. We met Gabi from Berlin who has a sister Sabine, likes photography and runs a 4WD tour business.

Carcoar dam opened in 1970 to regulate the natural flow of the Belubula river which supplies water to the local area. It can be used for water activities and is apparently well stocked with fish.

The Blayney wind farm is located on the surrounding hills and the 15 turbines provide provide power for about 3500 homes.

The weather was great but I suspect that this site could be rather cold (and windy) in winter, We were here just before Easter and the crowds were starting to build so we made the decision to move onto Maquarie Woods up the road to sit out the public holidays without being squashed in by large number of campers at Carcoar.

Accommodation Rating – 4/5

Location Lovely, along the Carcoar Dam
Facilities Flushing toilets, fire drums, free BBQ, boat ramp, bins
Dog Walks Limited  walking tracks
Local Services Carcoar about 3km, Blayney with all services about 11 km
Cost Free, no time limit
Comment Can get busy during holidays, cold and windy at times, the wind turbines on the surrounding hills speak for themselves!

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